hello, i love you

there are best friends and then there's this fella; bear bear, my salt of the earth ♥

there comes a time in your life when you settle into your skin and feel good about where your heart is and where your mind relaxes. the past few years I have found it nestling more in the little things that make my heart sing. we have three dogs, (bella, bruno & bear bear) this snout belongs to the kindest soul you'll meet by far and the rock that lands at my feet when I'm at my bench pulling those delicious late nights. his loyalty surpasses many humans I know and he expects nothing but honors me with his presence. although my work is inspired by my every square inch around me; it does not stop at our wild forest, our farm animals, those wildflowers or the monstrous boulders rather they go beyond that to my precious fur babes that binds the love in my heart which inevitably reflects into my pieces

I invite you to tap into my journey and encounter little nuggets of what truly transpires in my world and at my bench; you will enjoy the tidbits and processes of what this incredible craft has to unveil. brought to you with love from my bench to your heart

xo O

june 2015


inspired honey